Senior Capstone Project
Wow, what a whirlwind over the past few months. As I continue processing what I experienced this last year of university, I wanted to go into depth on the project I put most of my energy into: my Senior Design capstone project. As the technical manager working alongside Ella Rand, our project manager, our team provided the George Fox research faculty with an extremely useful tool and a baseline for future development. Among the myriad projects we started and finished, most revolved around two joint efforts:
- An autonomous, self-driving rover that navigated the vineyard block and took pictures of all the grapes in that block, gathering the raw data for processing later, and
- A set of machine learning models that took raw images of vineyard grapes and outputted total grape yield in kilograms for the entire block (a section of the total vineyard)
On both fronts, especially on the rover side, we accomplished more than I hoped for; this came down entirely to the team I was privileged to work with.
First, we spent most of our time developing the autonomous rover. We inherited most of the rover hardware, developed over the last four years, in 'rough' condition: while it would drive (occasionally), there were a number of bugs that made manual driving unsafe and unstable. As well, the rover could not drive in an autonomous mode. We set out to fix the bugs and make the rover incredibly safe to drive, and ultimately accomplished those goals.
Jared Perry and I made it onto a banner for the GFU engineering program.
Here's the front of the rover!
Side profile of the rover -- running visualizations
Internals of rover -- bottom
Internals of rover -- top
More visualization software -- live feed + rover POV
Autonomous Driving
Coming soon
Machine Learning
Finally, the machine learning portion of the project taught me a ton around the entire ML field, new to me my senior year.
We inherited a model developed by one of the faculty doing research on this team that he rewrote from student code in years prior. This model was really accurate (~95-98% accurate with in-year predictions, data from 10 weeks before harvest predicting yields at harvest); however, it took a long time to train on powerful hardware and very little data. This was a problem because it blocked our team from doing larger scale experiments with more dataa nd would make iterating on models and experiments very slow.
My goal was to figure out the source of this slowdown. Ultimately, after profiling the machine learning processes in Python, we realized image decoding and resizing was almost 85% of the total computation performed. So, we stored a resized version of the images (4000x3000 -> 400x300) in our data store so when they were retrieved by a training process, they were the right size and very little decoding was needed. This brought our overall data transfer down by an order of magnitude and improved our training time by ~85% with no loss in model accuracy. This was a huge win and allowed one of our teammates to begin running hundreds of experiments in a number of hours rather than taking potentially weeks.
Example experiment
Senior Design Expo
Our work culminated in the Senior Design Expo, an event dedicated to us to showcase our year's work. I'm extremely proud of my team for what we accomplished: we provided our advisors (the people carrying on the research project to the next year) with a complete product: we maximized the safety and stability of the rover for manual control, implemented the baseline autonomous driving system so it can drive itself down the vineyard rows, and built a data pipeline so the rover will record images as it drives.
Our team poster
Tearing down at the end of expo! Pictured are Grant Walker, Joshua Sills, Jared Perry, and Luke Havener (L-R)
My team! Jared Perry, myself, Jamie Fontaine, Luke Havener, Ella Rand, Joshua Sills, and Grant Walker (L-R)
Updated 7/8/2022